Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Everybody is against me. People are out to get me. People want to build me up and tear me down.

In response:

It's me against everybody. I'm out to get people. I'll build myself up and stomp you roaches on the ground.

Monday, February 21, 2011


It's so easy to get carried away by insecurities and to let shit bring you down. It's like riding an angry bull.

I just want to grab that bull by the horns and run its ugly little face into the dirt. Make it my bitch. Make it work for me.

That way I drop the burden of giving a fuck. I can live my life exactly the way I want it. Not worrying about what I think others think.

There is one person in charge of me. And that is me: rational and focused.

Insecurity, please get the fuck out of my face.